Media Releases

Bourse Sign-Up Begins

July 22, 2021

Dealers interested in participating in Boston 2026 World Expo have their first opportunity to apply during the Great American Stamp Show in Rosemont, IL.

Dealer Bourse Chair Mark Reasoner will be available to answer questions, distribute and accept applications, and take deposits at his show booth #517 on the last day of GASS, Sunday, August 15.  He is presenting details that morning at the Dealer Breakfast, joined by other Boston 2026 personnel.

Application forms may also be picked up at Boston 2026’s booth #304 or downloaded from the Boston 2026 Website by show time.

Please note that booth selection will be in the order of receipt of completed application forms with deposit.  Deposits are refundable until May 2024.

Dealer inquiries may be sent by email to

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23–30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center in the city’s Seaport District.  See the show’s Website at for additional details.

Thomas M. Fortunato
Boston 2026 Public Relations Chair

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Under Five Years and Counting

June 28, 2021

Planning continues for America’s next international philatelic exhibition, Boston 2026 World Expo, taking place May 23-30 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.

  • The show’s corporate officers and organizing committee members have been active in several areas this past year:
  • An initial show layout was prepared and included in an RFP (request for proposal) sent to prospective decorator firms now under consideration.
  • Prospective dealers are encouraged to contact Bourse Chair Mark Reasoner ( to be added to an informational email list for news when available.
  • Discussions are underway with mints to produce show medals.
  • An outline for the Boston 2026 membership drive is being reviewed with specifics to be announced in the upcoming months.
  • A newly revised website is expected to go live by mid-August.

And activity in the Boston environs:

  • The Boston Convention & Exhibition Center ( reopened for events as of May 29 when pandemic restrictions in Massachusetts and Boston were lifted.
  • A contract has been signed with the housing company onPeak to negotiate show rates with hotels in the Seaport/convention center area, as well as manage attendees’ hotel reservations.

Join Boston 2026 World Expo representatives for an hour-long open meeting at the Great American Stamp Show in Chicago on Thursday, August 12 at 2 PM (room to be announced), with a presentation on progress to date followed by a question-and-answer session. The gathering will feature an unveiling ceremony for the first in a series of limited-edition show promotional labels created by stamp designer Chris Calle.

Find out additional information online at and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Thomas M. Fortunato
Boston 2026 Public Relations Chair

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Philatelic Foundation Donates to Boston 2026

Boston 2026 receives a contribution from the Philatelic Foundation

August 2, 2019

Larry Lyons, Executive Director of The Philatelic Foundation, presented a $25,000 check to Nancy B. Clark, President of Boston 2026 World Expo with Mark A. Butterline, Executive Director, and Yamil H. Kouri, Commissioner General, at APS StampShow/NTSS in Omaha on Friday, August 2.

The PF was founded almost 75 years ago by a group of dedicated philatelists who recognized the need to establish a not for profit educational organization dedicated to expertizing and authenticating stamps and covers. Today, with the experience gained from having issued over 555,000 certificates, the PF makes its knowledge available through its print and on-line resources, public programs, exhibits and access to its hi-tech analytical equipment.

Elaborating on the donation, PF Chairman Robert Rose said, “The PF supports Boston 2026 because our Board believes that the future of organized philately requires the support of all organizations to make the show a success and to secure our hobby into the future.”

President Clark followed up saying, “Boston 2026 is grateful for the support of the Philatelic Foundation, helping to make this country’s next international philatelic exhibition a major success. Boston 2026 hopes to secure the future of the hobby not only nationally but internationally. It takes a group effort, and the Philatelic Foundation’s sponsorship is a significant step in making this happen.”

America’s twelfth international philatelic exhibition takes place in late May 2026 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Find out more online at

Thomas M. Fortunato
Boston 2026 Public Relations Chair

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New Appointments to Boston 2026

June 1, 2018

Officers of the Boston 2026 World Expo are pleased to announce an expansion of staff from across the country joining the Organizing Committee of America’s next once-a-decade international philatelic exhibition.

In alphabetical order they are:

  • David Ball, Framingham, MA: Security Manager
  • Michael Bloom, Portland, OR: Volunteer Chair
  • Carol Bommarito, New York, NY: Art Director
  • Dane Claussen, Greenville, PA: Government/NGO Outreach Chair
  • Colin Fraser, Woodstock, NY: Dealer Bourse Chair (International)
  • Sandeep Jaiswal, Cranston, RI: Customs Broker Liaison
  • Suzanne Kouri, Lexington, MA: Development Chair
  • Chris Lazaroff, Chester, SC: USPS Liaison
  • Mark Reasoner, Columbus, OH: Dealer Bourse Chair (USA/Canada)
  • Scott Tiffney, Bellefonte, PA: Literature Chair.

Their addition now brings the total of volunteers accepting leadership positions in the show to more than 30. Several are bringing their experience from posts with WorldStamp Show–NY 2016.

The list of all current committee members can be found online at along with information about the exhibition taking place in Boston in May 2026.

Thomas M. Fortunato
Boston 2026 Public Relations Chair

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Boston 2026: New Name, New Logo

Boston 2026 World Expo
Boston 2026 World Expo

May 5, 2017

You’ve probably heard the expression, “Everything old is new again.” So it is with the twelfth U.S. international philatelic exhibition scheduled to take place May 23–30, 2026.

The show’s new name is a slight but significant change: “Boston 2026 World Stamp Show” is now “Boston 2026 World Expo.” It’s shorter, and opens the door to explore more than just “stamps,” as our hobby includes a wealth of other items.

So a more familiar visual cue was needed and a logo redesign began. Many factors were considered. Its symbolism must be recognizable to a broad worldwide audience. The colors used must also have meaning and be a branding hallmark used in multiple applications.

A small show sub-committee was formed to come up with ideas. A key member of that group was Richard Sheaff, one of this country’s foremost and prolific stamp designers. Symbols of Boston were considered, including the Old North Church and the famous
Concord Minuteman statue, both of which have been depicted on U.S. and foreign stamps. So, too, were a variety of Revolutionary-era flags.

Eventually, it was the flag idea, surrounded by perforations, to which everyone agreed. But which flag? Dick’s design concept using the “Betsy Ross” 13-star design became the unanimous choice of the sub-committee. “Old Glory” has been represented on U.S. stamps more often than any other symbol. What could be more recognizable globally than an American flag, especially one with an extra-special connection to 1776?

While Betsy’s true connection to the 13-star flag remains in doubt, all are convinced that without a doubt the new Boston 2026 World Expo logo makes the right statement in representing the hobby’s once-a-decade mega-event almost nine years away.

It will be unveiled officially for the first time during Philatelic Show, May 5–7 at the Regency Hotel & Conference Center in Boxborough, Massachusetts. The Boston 2026 website at will also prominently feature the logo and new name at that time.

Find more details about this once-a-decade event on the exhibition’s website at

Thomas M. Fortunato
Boston 2026 Public Relations Chair

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New Boston 2026 Personnel Named

December 1, 2016

Boston 2026 World Stamp Show, Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of several key chairs from across the country to its Organizing Committee.

They include:

  • APS Advisor: Scott English, Bellefonte, PA
  • ASDA Advisor: Dana Guyer, Centre Hall, PA
  • Assistant Legal Counsel: Matt Liebson, Solon, OH
  • Awards: Alan Barasch, St. Louis, MO
  • Beginning Collectors and Youth: Andrew Oleksiuk, Chicago, IL
  • Bourse (Canada/USA): Michael Mead, Orleans, MA
  • Court of Honor: Douglas N. Clark, Marstons Mills, MA
  • Frames: Lawrence Norris, Hudson, MA
  • Heritage Events: Daniel Piazza, Washington, DC
  • Public Relations: Thomas M. Fortunato, Rochester, NY
  • Social Media: Melanie Rogers, Chicago, IL
  • Societies: Jeffrey Shapiro, Fayville, MA
  • IT: Larry Fillion, Acton, MA

These philatelic leaders join the current Executive Team members:

  • President: Nancy N. Clark, Marstons Mills, MA
  • Vice President: Yamil H. Kouri, Lexington, MA
  • Treasurer: Cass Rejent, Marietta, GA
  • Resident Counsel: George S. Norton, Auburndale, MA
  • Executive Director: Mark A. Butterline, Maynard, MA.

Boston 2026 World Stamp Show, Inc. is a Massachusetts corporation that will stage the twelfth international philatelic exhibition of the United States from May 23 to May 30, 2026, at the Boston Convention and Exposition Center in the Boston Waterfront District.

Find more details about this once-a-decade event on the exhibition’s website at

Thomas M. Fortunato
Boston 2026 Public Relations Chair

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First WSS–NY 2016 Donation Made

August 13, 2016 

Yamil H. Kouri, left, and Nancy B. Clark, right, receive a check from Wade Saadi.

The first donation check from World Stamp Show-NY 2016 fund balances was presented to officials of America’s next international philatelic exhibition, Boston 2026 at APS Stampshow in Portland, Oregon. 

WSS-NY 2016 President Wade Saadi commented that while finances for the New York International show are still being finalized, this contribution to the Boston show would be forthcoming by the end of the year. 

After being introduced to the crowd by APS Executive Director Scott English, Saadi handed the jumbo-sized check for $100,000 to Boston 2026 Director Yamil H. Kouri and President Nancy B. Clark. It continues the tradition of providing seed money to support the country’s subsequent every-decade international event. 

Saadi additionally mentioned that the NY2016 site would remain online for several years to honor the hundreds of volunteers who added to the show’s success and allow worldwide viewers the opportunity to relive the excitement of all eight days.  Attendees can continue to add photos to the show’s Google Photos archive through the Show Information-Photos page.  Visitors continue to “Like” the site on Facebook. 

Details about both shows can be found online at and

Thomas M. Fortunato
Chairman, Marketing and Public Relations
World Stamp Show NY 2016

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Boston Continues Preparations for 2026 U.S. International

April 25, 2016

Although America’s next international philatelic exhibition is only about a month away from opening its doors, work is already been well underway on the following show, Boston 2026, taking place at the Boston Convention and Exposition Center May 23–30, 2026.

The twelfth U.S. international philatelic exhibition is officially named “Boston 2026 World Stamp Show” and can be found online at on a site in cooperation with the Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs. Planning went into high gear after the American Philatelic Society Board of Directors voted to accept Boston’s bid to host the 2026 show on February 12, 2015. The selection of Boston was especially significant as it will be the focus of activity as America celebrates its 250th anniversary that year.

Organizers of Boston 2026 include Nancy B. Clark of Marstons Mills, MA, President; Steve Walske of San Francisco, CA, CFO; Christopher Brouady of Burlington, MA, Secretary/Clerk; Yamil H. Kouri, Jr. of Lexington, MA, Director; and George S. Norton, Esq. of Auburndale, MA, Resident Agent. The Executive Director is Mark A. Butterline of Maynard, MA.

All will be attending World Stamp Show–NY 2016 for a closed business meeting on Thursday, June 2, followed by a kickoff meeting open to the public on Saturday, June 4 from 1 to 2 p.m. in Room 1E07. Everyone is welcome to learn more about initial show plans.

Questions may be sent to Nancy B. Clark, care of the Spellman Museum of Stamps & Postal History at Regis College, 235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA 02493-2621, or emailed to

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