Media Releases

Bourse Sign-Up Begins

July 22, 2021

Dealers interested in participating in Boston 2026 World Expo have their first opportunity to apply during the Great American Stamp Show in Rosemont, IL.

Dealer Bourse Chair Mark Reasoner will be available to answer questions, distribute and accept applications, and take deposits at his show booth #517 on the last day of GASS, Sunday, August 15.  He is presenting details that morning at the Dealer Breakfast, joined by other Boston 2026 personnel.

Application forms may also be picked up at Boston 2026’s booth #304 or downloaded from the Boston 2026 Website by show time.

Please note that booth selection will be in the order of receipt of completed application forms with deposit.  Deposits are refundable until May 2024.

Dealer inquiries may be sent by email to

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23–30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center in the city’s Seaport District.  See the show’s Website at for additional details.

Thomas M. Fortunato
Boston 2026 Public Relations Chair

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