Media Releases

Boston 2026-CCNY Dinner at GASS

Boston 2026 is again joining the Collectors Club of New York in hosting a joint dinner in Cleveland before the start of the Great American Stamp Show.

It is scheduled for Wednesday, August 9 beginning at 7 PM at the LULO Kitchen & Juice Bar, 1273 West 9th Street, a few blocks from the show hotels. A choice of a beef, fish or vegan entrée is available. Tickets are available by reserving them online at Eventbrite.

The meal will be followed by brief presentations from both groups. Boston 2026 officers plan to provide attendees with an update on the show’s progress to date and give a look ahead about this once-a-decade international event.

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Kelleher Commits to Boston 2026

David Coogle

David Coogle, co-chairman of Daniel F Kelleher Auctions, LLC, has confirmed the firm’s participation in Boston 2026 by reserving the first top-end Super Booth (i.e., 20’x30’ booth nearest the show’s entrance).

Based in Danbury, Connecticut, the company was founded in 1885 in Boston by its namesake, today making it America’s oldest philatelic auction house. Their quarterly public auction sales include Club, Flagship and Collection sales, conducting a public auction each month. With additional single-owner sales, they offer bidders the opportunity to own US and Worldwide items from entry level to rarities. Weekly internet auctions provide material of interest to intermediate and more casual collectors.

Their award-winning magazine, Kelleher’s Stamp Collector’s Quarterly, was first released in September 2015. More than 30 issue covers from the past eight years are displayed at with a downloadable free sample of issue #1. Yearly subscription information for both the publication’s print and digital formats is also available. More than 500,000 copies in print and many more digitally have been distributed to philatelists worldwide.

To date, three-quarters of the show’s Super Booths and Half-Super Booths have been reserved. However, most size configurations remain available on the show floor. Potential dealers are asked to immediately email Bourse Chair Mark Reasoner at for the latest information.

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AAMS Donates $10,000 to Boston 2026

Boston 2026 has received a $10,000 contribution from the American Air Mail Society in support of the show’s overall mission.

Now in its 100th anniversary year, the American Air Mail Society is the world’s largest and second oldest aerophilatelic group interested in all aspects of “mail by air,” from pioneer flights to airmail labels and etiquettes. The organization publishes major works regularly, most notably the indispensable AAMS Catalogue, now in its seventh edition, that are available for purchase through the American Philatelic Society Store. Issues of their award winning Air Post Journal from the past 90+ years may be downloaded from their web site at

Boston 2026 President Yamil Kouri commented, “We thank the AAMS for their generous donation and invite their members to attend society-sponsored meetings and seminars throughout the eight days of our show.”

Philatelic groups from around the world are encouraged to contact Society Chair Mark Schwartz as soon as possible at to make their show interests known, whether it be for a society table or meeting space.

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Boston 2026 Welcomes Cheryl Ganz

Cheryl R. Ganz

New APS President Cheryl Ganz has accepted a position on the Boston 2026 Corporate Board, replacing Immediate APS Past President Bob Zeigler. 

The APS Board voted Ms. Ganz unanimously as the new APS president in a vote on April 3. She previously was the Chair of the APS Board of Vice presidents, a role she assumed in August 2022. Her term as President ends August 2025. 

“Boston 2026 is appreciative of the years of guidance Bob Zeigler has provided the international exhibition and wishes him well in his future endeavors,” said Boston 2026 President Yamil Kouri. 

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Collectors Club of Chicago Donation

Boston 2026 World Expo is pleased to announce that it has received a $5,000 donation from the Collectors Club of Chicago (CCC) Board of Directors. The Boston 2026 executives are grateful to Bill Maddocks, CCC President, Melanie Rogers, CCC Secretary, and the rest of the board of the CCC for their generous support of Boston 2026.
Founded in the late 1920s The Collectors Club of Chicago has as its primary objectives the documentation, preservation, advancement and promotion of philately through education, study, research and services.  It is best known for its publication prowess of high quality original research works, catering to a wide assortment of philatelic interests.
Today meetings are held at the club’s stately four-story row house property, The Cabeen House, on North Dearborn Street in the ‘Gold Coast’ district of downtown Chicago.  Most current members reside outside of greater Chicago, including many countries overseas.
The property also houses the largest philatelic library collection in the midwestern United States containing books, philatelic journals, CDs, post office publications, auction catalogs and a wealth of other material.  It is available for members as well as, “anyone in the philatelic community demonstrating a need to conduct philatelic research requiring philatelic literature.”
Societies and philatelic groups considering participation in Boston 2026 are encouraged to contact Mark Schwartz, Boston 2026 Society Chair, as soon as possible to express their interests.

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Siegel Auction Donation to Boston 2026

Scott R. Trepel

Dr. Yamil H. Kouri, Jr., president of Boston 2026 is pleased to announce the first donation to Boston 2026 World Expo by an auction house. Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. of New York City, and its President, Scott R. Trepel, have pledged a donation of $10,000 to the Boston 2026 show fund. Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries will also take a large dealer booth (#125) on the Boston 2026 show floor.

Scott Trepel has been the president of Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries since 1992. At the Great American Stamp Show 2021 he was presented the John Walter Scott Dealer Award by the American Philatelic Society. He is also a past member of the Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum Advisory Council.

Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. was also a major contributor to New York 2016 World Stamp Show, the previous world philatelic exhibition in the United States. Scott’s partnership with Boston 2026 World Expo will contribute to its success.

Yamil and Scott will also be exploring joint marketing and sponsorship opportunities involving both organizations.

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Boston 2026 on Fast Track!

With over three years to go before America’s next international opens its doors, progress on several fronts is ahead of schedule according to the Boston 2026 Leadership Team.
One month into the formal booth selection process sale of dealer booths have been stronger than expected according to Mark Butterline, show Executive Director.  “All 10’x30′ booths are now sold out, with several other popular sizes expected to sell out soon.”  USA/Canada Bourse Manager Mark Reasoner ( encourages prospective dealers to reach out to him as soon as possible to avoid disappointment in getting the right-size booth for their business.  Dealers from other parts of the world may contact International Bourse Manager Sandeep Jaiswal to facilitate their arrangements (
“Philatelic organizations and individuals have been generous in their support of Boston 2026”, says Yamil Kouri, show President.  “Our efforts in quietly seeking financial support from a variety of sources are paying off thanks to the behind-the-scenes assistance of many Boston 2026 supporters.”  Information on making donations can be found on the Donor page of the show’s web site at  Remember, as a 501(c)3 organization, donations may be tax deductible for those who itemize.
Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions of San Francisco has become the first auction house to confirm their staging of live auctions at Boston 2026.  Each of the show’s eight days offers auction firms the opportunity to host an exclusive live auction.  Schuyler Rumsey has chosen Tuesday, May 26 and Wednesday, May 27, 2026 for their events.  Start gathering your consignments!

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China Stamp Society Joins Boston 2026 

Boston 2026 World Expo is pleased to announce that another major society will be participating in the international exposition. The China Stamp Society plans on holding its annual convention and additional seminars for those interested in philately of the region according to H. James Maxwell, show liaison and editor of the group’s award winning bimonthly publication, The China Clipper.

Formed in 1936 the CSS is the world’s largest English speaking philatelic society specializing in China and related regions, including Hong Kong, Macau, Manchukuo, Tibet, Shanghai and the Treaty Ports, Foreign Offices in China and the Japanese Occupation of China. It is the oldest affiliate of the American Philatelic Society. Their web site is at

President of Boston 2026 Yamil Kouri and Executive Director Mark Butterline both welcomed the news. “We are happy organizations continue to choose our exhibition as their society’s destination of choice for meetings and conventions. An additional thanks to those, including the CSS, that are able to financially support us as well,” said Kouri.

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Boston 2026 Appoints Social Media Chairs

Boston 2026 World Expo continues to emphasize the importance of its online media presence by appointing two specialists as social media chairs.

Alyssa Baumgardner and Alison Sullivan, both of whom work with CEO Charles Epting at H. R. Harmer Fine Stamp Auctions in Manhattan, have jointly agreed to take on the volunteer online promotional position.

Both young philatelists graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with B.A. degrees in 2019 and are account managers with the firm. Alyssa additionally takes on Harmer marketing responsibilities, with Alison heading up office operations.

Boston 2026 President Yamil Kouri commented on hearing the news, “Both of these talented ladies bring a wealth of business and personal online experience to us that will augment our efforts in reaching all demographics in support of the exhibition.

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Graham Beck Joins Advisory Board

Boston 2026 World Expo is pleased to announce that Graham Beck has joined the exhibition as an online philatelic advisor.

The 36 year old native South African now residing in New Jersey is a YouTube superstar with nearly 29,000 subscribers watching his engaging videos covering the many facets of the hobby from a fresh and entertaining perspective.

Graham’s Exploring Stamps YouTube channel ( has been online since 2016 with videos on a variety of subjects, numbering 127 to date. They are a combination of “how-to” and country/stamp related topics that investigate their origins and history ranging from a minute to over an hour in length. All demonstrate the fascination that stamp collecting brings to young and old alike.

Among Graham’s honors is the 2022 APS Ernest A. Kehr Award, presented for making philately attractive as a hobby to newcomers over a minimum of five years. He was invited to participate in the London Stampex #xtremephilately exhibition this past October, described as, “the art of taking a stamp and finding the object, landscape, person on the stamp in real life and then snapping a photo and sharing it on social media.”

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