Media Releases

Kelleher Commits to Boston 2026

David Coogle

David Coogle, co-chairman of Daniel F Kelleher Auctions, LLC, has confirmed the firm’s participation in Boston 2026 by reserving the first top-end Super Booth (i.e., 20’x30’ booth nearest the show’s entrance).

Based in Danbury, Connecticut, the company was founded in 1885 in Boston by its namesake, today making it America’s oldest philatelic auction house. Their quarterly public auction sales include Club, Flagship and Collection sales, conducting a public auction each month. With additional single-owner sales, they offer bidders the opportunity to own US and Worldwide items from entry level to rarities. Weekly internet auctions provide material of interest to intermediate and more casual collectors.

Their award-winning magazine, Kelleher’s Stamp Collector’s Quarterly, was first released in September 2015. More than 30 issue covers from the past eight years are displayed at with a downloadable free sample of issue #1. Yearly subscription information for both the publication’s print and digital formats is also available. More than 500,000 copies in print and many more digitally have been distributed to philatelists worldwide.

To date, three-quarters of the show’s Super Booths and Half-Super Booths have been reserved. However, most size configurations remain available on the show floor. Potential dealers are asked to immediately email Bourse Chair Mark Reasoner at for the latest information.

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