Media Releases

Polonus Contribution to Boston 2026

Boston 2026 World Expo officers have received a $1,000 check from the Polonus Polish Philatelic Society to further support the international philatelic exhibition. Notice was sent by President Ronald Klimley on behalf of their Board.

Established in 1939, Polonus has grown from a small local stamp club in Chicago to become the world’s largest and oldest philatelic organization specializing in Polish philately. They have recently unveiled a brand new website under the guidance of current webmaster Mark Maestrone.

The group has over 500 issues of their bulletin published from 1940 to 2018 available for anyone to download, with more recent editions exclusively accessible by members. Content runs the gamut from postal history of the region dating from the nation’s founding in 1918 to the latest new issues from Poczta Polska.

Polonus has five study groups specializing in aerophilately, cinderellas, DP/Intern camps, POW camps, and the works of master engraver Czeslaw Slania. It offers members exhibit assistance and a document translation service, among other benefits. Everyone can access their extensive eBay store.

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