Media Releases

Boston 2026 Receives FEPA Recognition

The Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA) has granted Recognition status to the Boston 2026 World Expo.

FEPA is the continental European organization that coordinates and promotes the philatelic activities among its 45 member nations. Initially proposed in 1987, the group was formally established in 1989 with its first constitutional mandate being, “To represent and promote European philately in its broadest sense within the aims and objectives of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie.”

FEPA recognition of an exhibition outside of European territory is seldom granted. In granting its recognition to Boston 2026 World Expo the FEPA Board is aware of the global importance of this exhibition which transcends its continental boundaries.

Recognition by FEPA grants Boston 2026 three privileges:

  • Marketing and promotion of the exhibition through its channels (magazine, website, newsletters, etc)
  • Use of logo and flag
  • Technical assistance

FEPA information can be found on its web site at

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